Monday, August 04, 2008

LoVe and LuSt...

i have read many blogs even before for example bo sanchez at kerygmafamily and kuya kevin on kuyakevins blogspot... and i learned inspiring lessons to their advice and comments of other people..

lately, i just wondering if in relationship physical intimacy is necessary or not??!!! and now i have found the difference between love and lust.. some people may mistook lust as love but where in fact they dont even feel the real meaning of it.

she is just a simple girl dreaming of having her own family of her own someday, a loving husband and wonderful children..she almost thought that she finally found her ideal man. but unfortunately and luckily at the same time she found out whats the real intention of the man. though he is almost her ideal man and though he told her how much he loves her. but at the end of it all the real motive was exposed! he dont really love her but he just want to have physical intimacy with her. LUCKILY, the girl didnt give in though he love the guy.

poor girl, for the second time around she was dumped for the same reason. BUT, i know for sure she is happy coz she found out that before she was completely been fooled by that someone she came back to reality and to her senses that she is not really been loved but she was just been an object of his fantasies.

lets not mistook lust as a love and dont enter to a relationship where in the foundation is not love coz if its just build on lust it wont work out coz its natural thing. while, if you have love on it no matter what happen youll stand to each others side to give support and cheer one another when things goes wrong.

love is not a two way road travelled by two its a one way road travelled by two person as one!

have a great day ahead to everyone ^^

1 comment:

Ana said...

Hi, Saw that you mentioned "Bo Sanchez"if so - you might be interested to reserve your Nov 28-29, 2009 for a chance to hear him live/see him/have your books signed at the Araneta Coliseum for the once in a lifetime event "Dream Big, Win Big".

It's a big learning event about "dreaming big in your life and using your core gifts to follow your dream". Yes it's a catholic event, there's mass and worship but there's also a lot of singing and dancing and comedy as well as the huge message on big dreams. See you or your friends there!

Conference Details at
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