Monday, July 21, 2008

bLoOd tYpE

actually i didnt know whats my blood type not unless when i had my medical before going here. and the nurse asked me do you know your blood type and i said no. and he said its A!

thanks to him, i knew what it is now but here in japan i didnt know that the basis of ones characteristics is through their blood type. being new in the company you need to miggle with other co-workers asking how old are you, what interest you most, what kind of country you came from, how do you find the country etc. etc. and i asked her whats your hobby and then she said, to my surprise its donating blood! theres nothing wrong with it but what amazed me is that its not usual. and then she asked me whats your blood type? AHHHHHH!!!!! will she going to ask me to give some blood too???!!!!(i asked myself) though bit nervous i said its A. she never asked me to give some but i asked her why did you asked me and then she replied because it has meaning here! and that reply makes me more surprised! heres some meaning of it, just check it out and find if its kinda true. enjoy!


Positive traits : perfectionist, orderly, detail-oriented, industrious, idealistic, soft-spoken and careful

Negative traits: picky, selfish, secretive, pessimistic, inflexible and reckless when drunk

Suitable Careers: accountant, librarian, economist, novelist, computer prograrmmer, gossip and columnist


Positive traints: flexible, passionate, creative, unconventional and have excellent concentration.

Negative traits: unpredictable, indiscreet, lazy, impatient and overbearing

Suitable career: cook, hair dresser, military leader, talk show host, journalist and golfer


Positive traits: supposed to be natural leaders, great organizers, diplomatic, rational and imaginative.

Negative traits; unforgiving, playboy, easily offended, too conservative, nitpicker, and hard to know.

Suitable career: bartender, attorney, teacher, sales representative, social worker and witch


Positive traits: powerful leaders, goal-oriented, enthusiastic, optimistic and good at business

Negative traits: status seeking, jealous, greedy, unreliable, obsessive lover, cant shut up

Suitable career: banker, politician leader, gambler, minister leader, investment broker and baseball player

so whats your blood type now? does this meaning above is true? now if someone will ask me what is your blood type i always say what do you think? and they replied its like an O but they are wrong for me it seems that its not the basis to determine ones characteristic.. have a great day everyone!

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