Friday, November 20, 2009


I attended a seminar about internet marketing I paid almost ten thousand pesos for two days. I have learned so many things, on how to gain traffic, and how to get the right keywords/labels on the blog.

I started writing blog way back last year and I already knew about the ad sense thing for a year I earned barely $13 something through the help of my friends who clicks ads on it. In short I want to know more how to gain out of blogging that’s why I decided to join that seminar.

During, the seminar we were told that if our blog got hit by 1,000 views we earn and if the viewer clicks on our ads we also earn isn’t its fantastic? But, I forgotten to ask is that 1,000 views that I will earn is only applicable for a day hits/views of the blog? That’s why I emailed a friend whom I just met here online. Actually, I read all his blog since it about girl. If you have time drop by to her blog and read her wonderful stories. Just click HERE!

I asked her if she ever earned in ad sense since she already wrote about 100 blog posts. And she said she barely earned a few dollars she haven’t even reached the $10 dollars. That’s why I keep on looking on other site and keep on surfing what is the good ad to put on my blog to earn something.

Then, I received an email from her again today telling me about the site of KUYA KEVIN wherein he wrote something for beginners in blogging on how to earn out of it. Though, I’m not a beginner anymore but I think it’s the best way for me to earn something too. As, I read his blog I ended up in ADGITIZE they don’t offer that much, they couldn’t even make you rich out of it. But, you’ll earn something from it. As the saying goes “much better than nothing” Lolz!

So, if you want to earn too and want to try too. Just click on the ads on the side bar and you will see the ad ADGITIZE ME and there you go. Hope that I can help you too guys as the other help me out on my blog on how to gain more traffic.

Happy blogging!


Thess said...

thank you for the promotion :)

xandrajhoanne said...

your most welcome ^_^